15 Top Affiliate Marketing Niches | Earn A Fortune In 2023!

14 min readJan 17, 2023


Are you looking to make some serious cash? Perfect!

In this article, we will run over the 15 top affiliate marketing niches with high earning potential.

What is a niche?

An affiliate marketing niche is a specific segment of affiliate products you promote.

A niche depends on the customers you are targeting.

For example, If your niche is pet care products, your target audience will be pet owners. Keep it simple, anyone without a pet would never buy pet products.

A niche can consist of a sub-niche and an even narrow micro-niche: Health, Fitness, Education, and skin care are all wide-spectrum niches.

Your choice of niche will also help you determine your target audience:

  • Global or broad niche has many visits, but the conversion rate is generally low.
  • Sub-niche Receives fewer visits, but the conversion rate is slightly higher.
  • Micro niche has the fewest visits, but the highest conversion rate.

Although picking a niche is important, you are never locked into one niche. You can always investigate and join other affiliate programs.

15 Best Affiliate Marketing Niches

Now we know the basics let’s dive into the top niches:

  1. Health and wellness
  2. Fitness
  3. Personal finance
  4. Pet care
  5. Travel
  6. Fashion
  7. Gaming / ESports
  8. Beauty and skincare
  9. Security
  10. Technology
  11. Survival niche
  12. Insurance
  13. Baby products
  14. CBD products
  15. Online dating

Health And Wellness

Health is the #1 most profitable affiliate marketing niche.

Health niche and wellness are also evergreen niches:

  • People are aware of the importance of improving and monitoring their health.
  • People are constantly looking for ways to prevent diseases and choose healthier lifestyles.
  • The global health and wellness market is predicted to cross over $7 trillion by 2025.
  • Sub-niches for affiliate marketing, like essential oils, vitamins, and dietary plans, have a huge search volume.

Health and wellness can explode with new trends, fast profits, and aspects that will always be in demand, such as weight loss.


  • High monthly global search volume for both niches.
  • It is the top niche in 8 countries. Including the United States, United Kingdom, India, Germany, and the Netherlands.
  • Evergreen niche, with a high traffic potential.
  • 74000 clicks for health and 31000 for wellness.


  • Need to be an expert in the field to give a medical recommendation.
  • High competition


Fitness is another evergreen niche you can rely on!

Fitness has been around since the beginning of time though people are flocking towards fitness now more than ever.

It is the bridge that holds mental and physical health together in a balanced way — And that is why fitness is going nowhere.

You can narrow the fitness niche into endless micro niches — Weight loss, Weight loss supplements, Fitness apps, Fitness routines, Fitness equipment, Fat loss, Bodybuilding, and Yoga.


  • Fitness is an evergreen niche.
  • It will not go out of trend anytime soon.
  • High search volume and traffic potential.


  • You need to be an expert in providing factual information.
  • One of the most competitive affiliate marketing niches.

Personal Finance

Personal finance is another excellent niche. Most people are interested in managing their money, investments, and debts.

  • People are constantly looking for tools and services to increase their wealth
  • They are spending more time trading stocks and cryptocurrencies.
  • Although fiercely competitive, it is far easier to succeed and monetize.
  • There are a tremendous amount of new products and services
  • People have been incurring more debt since the pandemic.

Some trending sub-niches from the personal finance niche are Debt management, Budget tracking, Online banking, Credit reporting, Crypto trading, and Stock exchange.


  • High traffic potential and monthly global search volume.
  • Increasing popularity in over 10 countries, including South Korea, India, Canada, and the US.
  • Overflowing traffic potential with a favorable click-to-conversion rate ratio.


  • High probability of a lengthier sales process because of the sensitive subject matter.

Pet Care

Pet care is our 4th ranked niche. Think food accessories, medication and toys. Let’s just say, pet maintenance is not cheap. Owners love spending money on their pets. This is why it’s a great niche for affiliates.

If you are a pet owner, then the ball is in your court (quite literally) — It makes you more credible in the eyes of other pet parents.

The Pet niche is a cutthroat market — however, there is always room for more animal lovers.

There is an anticipated rise in pet ownership, meaning pet products will be in strong demand.

Pet-related content is extremely loved on social media — So, don’t forget to promote your content on sites like TikTok, Instagram, and Pinterest.


  • High monthly global google search volume at 7,24,00.
  • Pets are owned worldwide (international reach).
  • Broad traffic potential.
  • 37,000 monthly clicks.


  • It might grow costlier, especially if you want to concentrate on multiple sub-niches.


Let’s be honest; the pandemic caused a shit show in the travel industry; truth be told, recovery is still a work in process.

With safety precautions and restrictions, the travel industry faced a huge backlash.

In 2023 travel business is slowly making a comeback, and this is why we see opportunity in this niche.

Many believe that once things start to get better, the industry will take off quickly — This is why the travel niche will once again become a profitable niche for affiliate marketing.

You can post reviews or advice on your website by covering a number of hot topics — Consider tours of your city, alternatives to expensive hotels, and organic and economical travel.

Boast about your regional attractions on social media to interact with potential clients — This will also bring organic traffic to your website.


  • The industry will recover and continue to be profitable.
  • Over 8,00,000 monthly global Google search volume.
  • It is a lucrative niche internationally.
  • High traffic potential with a high number of clicks.


  • The travel niche may fluctuate due to any outbursts of Covid.


Fashion is another popular niche, with tons of sub-niches to branch into.

You can strategize your content — Writing about seasonal products while focusing on fashion as your primary niche.

The fashion niche is an evergreen topic — The demand to look good is high all year around.

Fashion trends change as fast as the wind — Focus on choosing accessories and products that will likely stick around for a while.

Keep up with social media trends and sensationally promote your content — Create tutorial videos for YouTube on how to dress, streetwear, and vintage clothing, and find your signature look.

You need a strong fashion sense to develop a unique look that entices your audience to click your links.


  • Over 160,000 google search volume every month around the globe.
  • Top niche topic in many countries.
  • High traffic potential


  • High competition with potential upcoming brands in the market.

Gaming/ Esports

Gaming is a highly lucrative affiliate marketing niche. According to research, the gaming sector is set to render over $250,000 by 2025. (source)

The assortment of video games and consoles available in the market is infinite. As well as the age range of possible customers.

The gaming market is also growing rapidly — Esports and gaming competitions are taking over the world with their popularity.

Cover subjects such as PC and console game reviews, the latest gaming accessories, and upcoming games to start making money with this niche. Consider recording your game walkthroughs and making video guides.

Note — Streamers in the gaming industry are well-liked on platforms like YouTube, Reddit, and Twitch.


  • 6,32,000 monthly global search volume on Google
  • High traffic potential and click ratio
  • The industry is set to pick up more success


  • Payouts are often relatively small in the technology and gaming industry, 1–2% commissions are common.

Beauty And Skincare

Interested in beauty, skincare or makeup brands? Then the beauty niche is ideal for you.

  • Influencers are frequently seen promoting beauty products and cosmetics services.
  • Customers are constantly evaluating good skincare products for their needs. They seek influencers to get advice and determine whether a product lives up to its promises.
  • Consumers are willing to spend a significant portion of their available funds on skincare products.
  • The skincare market is worth an astonishing $180 billion in North America alone. This number is expected to increase significantly in the next five years.

To promote, you can discuss hair care routines, skincare routines, or makeup tips on your blog. You can target specific products such as skin whitening or cast your net wider by listing various products in a general category.


  • 841,000 monthly search volume for beauty and 172,000 for cosmetics
  • Internationally recognized niche of affiliate marketing.
  • High traffic potential with lots of clicks


  • Due to fierce competition in the beauty sector, it requires time, commitment, and extensive research to become a skilled affiliate marketer.


Home security is a permanent concern of homeowners. Placing a high demand for home security devices, cameras, alarms, and home monitoring apps.

  • The home security niche is an excellent option if you’re seeking a reliable niche that requires straightforward promotion.
  • Most people will go above and beyond to add a layer of protection to their home security.
  • You can review products, write about upcoming security systems, and list top apps for remote home monitors.

Security system sales are anticipated to surpass $8.95 billion in the United States by 2026. This represents a compound yearly growth rate of up to 11%.


  • Monthly global google search volume of 60,500.
  • Has a high growth rate.
  • Extensive customer base.


  • Detailed information must be provided about the products to avoid other online security threats.


Technology is an excellent niche for affiliate marketers. Constantly evolving, with novelties and advancements coming out every day.

The pandemic accelerated the need for digitalization — This led to new demands for upgrades in apps and software to facilitate online business and virtual work.

With 5 billion people using the internet globally in 2022 — you have a sizable market, and you can write about newly launched software reviews, web hosting, and app reviews.

Video reviews can bring a large amount of traffic if you are interested in gadget reviews.

You can pick from a variety of programs. Impact and Rakuten are two very successful tech affiliate networks. You can also test out familiar programs from Semrush, Microsoft, and WordPress.


  • Most tech affiliate marketing programs provide high commissions at 30%.
  • Some programs like Kinsta even pay their affiliate marketers up to $500 per sale.


  • You require on-point and latest technical knowledge.
  • You will also need a higher budget to scale an impactful promotion.

Survival Niche

It wasn’t until the pandemic, that anybody realized how important it was to stock food and water at home.

  • People who are protective and concerned about the safety of their loved ones are drawn to buy survival products.
  • The survival niche is set to explode with inflation peeking over the edge.
  • Demand for survival products is higher than it has ever been before.
  • This niche is known by many names, like the doomsday niche, the prepper niche, or the conservative niche.
  • The industry is worth over $10 billion in the US as of now and is anticipated to be over $255 billion by 2028 (huge growth).

The best part is survival is wider than underground bunkers and tinned food. You can promote many interesting products like hunting gear, survival backpacks, and survival clothing.


  • The survival market will evidently go up in the future.
  • Most survival affiliate programs offer high commissions.
  • Expandable customer base as they buy a variety of products.


  • Can be a hard topic to write about for new affiliate marketers.


Insurance is not a mainstream niche, though it can be highly profitable to those who enter. Insurance is selling someone financial protection and security against the possibility of an event.

If no event happens, the insurance company keeps the money.

  • This explains why the insurance market in the United States is valued at $1.2 trillion annually.
  • Any minor incident can cost thousands of dollars, so Americans don’t mind paying the premiums.
  • Interestingly, the insurance niche can be further diversified into sub-niches like health, automobile, life, travel, pet, business, home, and so on.

And if that wasn’t enough, some of the weirdest insurance that ACTUALLY exists are alien abduction insurance, multiple birth insurance, and bed bug insurance.

Believe it or not, these insurances exist, and people (yes, real people) BUY them.


  • You can assort the sub-niches as per your interest.
  • Insurance is a trillion-dollar industry.


  • Promoting insurance affiliate products can be tricky.

Baby Products

The baby products market is an audience who are morally obligated to spend money!

Parents are not looking to explore new products. Instead, they are looking to buy the ones that already exist. Now, that is good news for new affiliate marketers.

  • Children are born every minute. That means the customer base is literally expanding every minute.
  • The average new parent spends roughly $10,000 on their child’s care during the first year.
  • The best part about this niche is that you won’t have to be too convincing. People will buy anything that looks cute.

Cover topics like baby fashion tips, newborn photography hacks, and pacifier habits.


  • A huge and constantly expanding customer base.
  • Evergreen market. Babies are born every day.
  • The market is estimated to be worth $66.8 billion.


  • Rigorous research is involved in finding high-converting products.

CBD products

Cannabis products are taking over the world quite rapidly with their medical benefits. CBD extracted from the cannabis plant differs from its not-so-distant brother THC.

THC is the substance responsible for intoxication after consuming marijuana. CBD on the other hand, holds concentrated medical and health advantages for humans, dogs, and cats.

  • Many dog owners use CBD treats to relieve pain from medical conditions like arthritis in dogs.
  • In 2021, the CBD market was valued at around $9.1 billion and was estimated to cross $59.3 billion by 2030.
  • CBD products are legal in all 50 states in the United States. And the rise in this industry is yet to happen.

We are 420% sure this market is set to get high and pop off the charts (all puns intended).


  • The CBD market is expanding at a fast pace.
  • CBD products are getting legalized worldwide, so they have an international customer base.
  • You can choose from a variety of sub-niches like CBD dog treats, vegan CBD products, CBD oils, and much more.


  • CBD products are still not legal in many parts of the world.

Online Dating

A few decades back, anyone lurking around online dating sites to find a spouse would be considered… strange. Luckily, things have changed with online dating now considered “fresh” in 2023.

Do you know how much the online dating industry is worth? According to data, there will be $8.2 billion in annual revenue at a 6% increase soon.

By 2023, approximately 323 million people will be using online dating apps. This niche has flourished because of the social and emotional needs of humans.

Dating sites work on algorithms that depend on the members’ personality types. They are then suggested their ideal match.

All you need to do is search and pick out the programs you are most familiar with. Then, you can create your content around tips for first dates, romantic date ideas, or how to propose.

To our surprise: more than half of the people who tried dating apps are now committed to someone.

People are ready to pay a handsome amount to find a companion.


  • Online dating is a booming industry with an enormous customer base (age, religion, ethnicity, hobby, orientation, and even relationship goals).
  • Dating content is always in demand, and unique tips are always appreciated.
  • Most dating affiliate programs offer a generous amount of commission.


  • The chances of repeating customers are 0 to never.

How To Choose The Most Profitable Affiliate Marketing Niches?

Here are some ideas on choosing the most profitable niche for your needs:

You may also like our list of 20 high paying affiliate programs for beginners which covers offers on various niches.

Should Be Of Interest

  • Choose a niche you will be motivated and excited to work on daily. Remember, you must create content and promote affiliate products from this niche.
  • Don’t choose something just because it is trending. A trend may die in a month, and all your efforts will fail.
  • Grow into an expert
  • Provide genuine and authentic information.
  • Only go for a niche if you have a true passion for it.

What Do People Like?

Once you know your interests, combine this with what people are actually looking for:

  • Is your niche relevant to what people are hyped up about?
  • Will they be eager to buy it?
  • Is it something that can be useful to them?

Stay on top of social media platforms and affiliate sites to learn about people’s latest google trends and interests.

Use Amazon and other e-commerce websites to learn about what is the hottest-selling item. You can even check the profitability of your niche on amazon.

Look For Profitability

Making money is the primary goal of affiliate marketing.

Check for high ROI affiliate programs with timely payouts. Ideally, pick an evergreen affiliate marketing vertical that can do well all year around.

What Is The Competition?

Found a niche of your preference that pays an attractive profit? Well, chances are that others have too.

Research the level of competition. Sometimes going after a lower-paying, lower-competition niche can prove more lucrative.

Consider Choosing A Micro Niche

A micro niche can help you stay relevant in search engines, enabling you to make fast money online.

For instance,

  • If you want to focus on the health and wellness niche, try focusing on a certain sub-niche like yoga, plant-based diets, or gluten-free foods.
  • Online education is a broad niche. But online courses to learn Japanese are a micro niche.

There are many tools like Google Trends that you can use to find a micro niche. This way, you can target a specific group of customers who are already interested in that topic and benefit from increased conversion rates.

Earn More With A Specific Niche For Affiliate Marketing

The specific niche you select for affiliate marketing is your gateway to making passive income; here’s why:

Better Sense Of Target Audience

Knowing your target audience is the first step.

  • Demographics — Which sector of the population does your audience fall into?
  • Geography — What is the physical location of your audience?
  • Interests — What are their interests? What excites your audience?
  • Buying habits — What is the average spending of your audience? Are they impulsive? Do they shop online? How often do they shop?

All this determines who your target audience is. The more you know, the better your sales message will be.

Better SEO

Effective SEO means ranking on the first page of google.

Even the most profitable niches can’t earn if a search engine doesn’t recognize them.

  • Plan out your affiliate site with a solid SEO plan and strategize your content according to that.
  • Always post content of the same niche as the website or blog.
  • Google will recognize and rank your website within days if you post similar topics on your website and blogs.
  • Content outside of your niche may be considered illegitimate and google may not rank it at all.

Organic traffic and visitors are easy to get if google knows what your website represents.

Our top recommended courses to dominate SEO are

Matt Diggity — Affiliate lab

Greg Jeffries — SEO Affiliate Domination

Both are amazing courses that helped us build an online affiliate business of over 6 figures per year.

FAQs — Top affiliate marketing niches

Which niche is best for beginners?

The best niches for beginners are niches you feel passionate about. As a beginner, it may take time to see results. Therefore, you need to pick a topic you enjoy making content on. As a bonus, choose something with mediocre competition and high conversion rates.

What is a profitable niche in 2023?

Health and wellness is looking to be the most profitable affiliate marketing niche of 2023. The health and wellness market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 9.20% and increase by $162.09 billion by the year 2026.

How much do beginner affiliates make?

Beginner affiliates make an average of $0 — $1000 per month. Better promotional tactics, commission rates, and level of competition can also influence your annual earnings. (1)

What is the highest-paying affiliate product?

The highest-paying affiliate product will vary depending on the market and your own affiliate program. As a general rule, digital products tend to have higher commission rates than physical products, so consider focusing on those first.

What is the easiest affiliate marketing?

The easiest type of affiliate marketing is blogging. Blog-based affiliates generally require less overhead costs and can be done from home with minimal setup time required.

What niche sells the most on Amazon?

The most popular niche products on Amazon are in the health and wellness, personal care, electronics, and home goods categories.

Conclusion: Choose a niche and get started

Our final thoughts on choosing a niche

Choose something that excites you and fits you well.

Evaluate the level of competition and traffic potential.

Calculate the commission and profitability.

Then select an affiliate program and plan out a successful affiliate marketing strategy.

If you need help with strategy — Top recommended courses:

Affiliate Bootcamp

SEO Affiliate Domination

If you need help with choosing an affiliate product, visit our pages (High paying, multi-tier or recurring)

Get started today!

Originally published at https://kobabox.com on January 17, 2023.




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